You may or may not know that my journey in working with skin did not first start in medicine, it started as a makeup artist for Lancome. And it was then I realized.. ok there has to be more to healthy glowing skin than just creams because why do some people have clear skin? Why don’t others? Why do some people respond well to skincare regiments while others do nott? And so began my transition from looking on the outside to looking in the inside.

This article is one of my favorites to have contributed to because it truly sums up my belief that healthy and clear skin really does start with what you are putting in your body. And doesn’t have to be expensive!

Sure for some people it may take a bit more than just eating the right foods: there’s also the balancing of hormones, digestion- making sure you are able to absorb all the good stuff, clearing any hidden infections creating inflammation, and of course the impact of the emotions. But the bottomline is that eating the right [or wrong] foods has the ability to impact your skin and hair. If you need individualized direction on figuring out what is right for you while you get your body in balance, that’s what I’m here for. You can always schedule a complimentary consult with me to learn more or ask questions (but no medical advice! :)